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Dragonscales' Slice Of The Netherworld


This site contains information for anyone interested in Carnivorous Plants, Fishkeeping and Bonsai. Read on and enjoy your stay! If you have comments or questions, feel free to contact me at


A bit about me

I am an Australian male writer living with my girlfriend. We own 1 bird, 4 cats, too many fish and an assortment of plants. We both enjoy gardening and my pet loves are bonsai, fish keeping, reading, writing & carnivorous Plants. Btw, don't forget to view and sign my guestbook. Thanks!


Carnivorous Plants

I am an avid member of the Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society and recommend their site for anyone interested in learning about these facinating plants. The joining fee is cheap and you get a newsletter quarter yearly, as well as access to their exclusive seedbank. The site itself is also full of information and growing tips. A link to their site can be found on the favorite links page.

Contact The Vcps



I became interested in Bonsai several years ago now and have been hooked ever since. I have begun training several specimens since then and am constantly looking for more additions to the front porch. I am slowly running out of space out there so have to be a little more selective about which plants to buy these days. The next place we move to will most definitely have to contain more garden space!



What can I say? I definitely have multiple tank syndrome. The obsession started off with one tank and has grown steadily ever since. I am currently setting up a saltwater nano tank (more about terms and descriptions soon to come elsewhere on the site) and have plans for a seahorse tank in the near future.

Odds & Ends

I will also be adding various other bits and pieces to this site in addition to the above. Some of the content will be informative, useful or educational in some shape or form while other pieces will be there purely because I like them or they are fun or humourous in some way. Either way, be sure to check back often for new additions to the site, and I hope you enjoy your stay!